Friday, September 6, 2024

.357 Homicide - Immutable Lethality

 Another 2-man Slammer, this time out of the UK.  .357 Homicide describe themselves as "Violent Slam".  I must say, this feels accurate to what I hear when I hit play on their most recent release, "Immutable Lethality".  A wonderfully raw sound, untampered with yet still perfectly balanced.  Not-to-mention this snare tone!!!!

I am a new fan of this band, and they are fairly young, having formed in 2020.  Despite only 4 years together, .357 have 1 EP, 2 Demos, and 3 Full Lengths that all seem to be crazy and worth checking out!  There are countless new Slam projects coming out weekly, most of which are hurried-along clout-chasing cacophonies that kill the listener with repetitious boredom.  This is NOT that.  "Immutable Lethality" is as unique and strange as it is classic Slam.  Please do support this band! 

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