Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Interview with Serge (Guitarist) of Epicardiectomy - 2013

Cerebral Reviewment-  Hello, thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions.  First of all, who are you and what do you do in Epicardiectomy?

Serge Gordeev-  Hey bro, Serge here, guitarist of Epicardiectomy.

CR-  What does Epicardiectomy mean?

SG-  Epicardiectomy means a surgical operation on the heart.  In the beginning, when our drummer Milan came up with this name, it was just a good sounding brutal death metal band name for us.  And actually, we hope that our music is really something that can give you a heart attack. hehe.

The surgical removal of the epicardium, usually performed in constrictive pericarditis to permit greater diastolic filling of the heart.
The epicardium is the inner layer of the pericardium, a conical sac of fibrous tissue that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels.
The pericardium has outer and inner coats. The outer coat is tough and thickened, loosely cloaks the heart, and is attached to the central part of the diaphragm and the back of the sternum (breastbone).
The inner coat is double with one layer closely adherent to the heart while the other one lines the inner surface of the outer coat with the intervening space being filled with fluid.
This small amount of fluid, called the pericardial fluid, acts as a lubricant to allow normal heart movement within the chest.

CR-  Your new 2013 demo (Reviewed HERE) has the best sounding production you guys have ever had.  What was done differently?

SG-  Compared to our debut full-length, not many things, I would say.  We worked on vocal parts more this time, also the music itself is a bit different.  It's still slam but with a bit of classic brutal death metal touch.

CR-  Are you currently writing new material for your next full-length?

SG-  Yes, we are on 80% done with stuff for a new album, we hope we'll be able to release it in the spring of 2014.  We play a lot of shows which are slowing down the process of writing new material.  But be sure we are working on it all the time and I'm sure you guys won't be disappointed.  It will be 100% fucking Epicardiectomy.

CR-  What is your opinion on lyrics in Brutal Death Metal or Slam?

SG-  I think lyrics are an important part of it.  The vocals could be guttural and you are not able to hear a word of what is being sang, but when you can read the lyrics in the booklet and enjoy the atmosphere of the dark or disgusting stuff that is usually the main part of death metal lyrics, it gives you many more feelings with listening to the music.  At least for me it always was like that.

"Feasting on Putrid Hysterectomy Remnants"
Staring at my new art
Several bodies fall apart
Horrible stench magnetize me
Empty mind reflecting the scenes
Of basement butchery
Slashing amok dementia
Disemboweling the cleansed torsos of dirty whores
Lay down gutted inside out
Trash body bags
Mockery on the bodies
Shitting into the wounds of decapitation
Ulcerous anus fistfuck
Feasting on a rancid regurgitated wombs
Masticating the putrid hysterectomy remnants

CR-  Can you tell us a little about your writing process?  Do you enjoy the process of recording in a studio?

SG-  We usually compose the songs together with our drummer Milan in a rehearsal room.  I always come up with some ideas and riffs when we are doing the arrangements together.  After the instrumental part is ready, Tom (our vocalist), having the lyrics ready by this time, starts putting his part on it.  Sure, there are exceptions sometimes, but mostly it's done this way.  And yes, we love to record and really enjoy the process of studio sessions.  For us it's always a lot of fun.  Actually the whole process is more than standard, first we record drums, then guitar and bass and vocals in the end.

CR-  Many thanks to Serge and Epicardiectomy for the interview!  Cannot wait to hear that full-length!!!!

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