Sunday, November 17, 2013

Embryonic Devourment - Reptilian Agenda - Deepsend Records - 2013

Artwork by Jon Zig

Lets jump back in time to Cephalic Carnage's prime.  Or maybe to what some may think of as after their prime: an album from 2007 called Xenosapien.  I remember first hearing it and thinking it was a really tiring record.  It was one that took many, many listens to get through to me.  When it finally did, it solidified its place amongst some of my all time favorite albums.  The past week or so, listening to Embryonic Devourment's new album, Reptilian Agenda, I was in a similar predicament.  Maybe I was reminded of that Cephalic Carnage record because it is only every six years or so that I have such profound reactions to works of music.  Reptilian Agenda definitely reminded me of Cephalic Carnage at times, but more so renewed by dying belief in modern death metal.

In so many reviews I talk a lot about the mixing and mastering and the production qualities and the blips and blaps that most people probably don't listen for nor care to read about.  It is refreshing to write about a record that could have probably been recorded with a lot worse production than it was, and it would still stand miles ahead of its peers.  Reptilian Agenda is that album.
At just under twenty-five minutes, I find myself wishing this were longer. I spend the entirety of each listen intensely tuned in, head bobbing along, impatiently waiting for the next song to begin, all the way until the end.  Usually, 'concept albums', or whatever you may call them, are not my thing.  I just think it's too hard to meld together great song writing with great story telling without coming off cheesy. Oddly this album is one that does this extremely well.  The band has done a great job here, considering the subject matter;

"The concept for this album is over the top Just to give you a glimpse, its an album about a Reptilian race from a planet called Nibiru.  This race has been manipulating our systems of power and governing the human race for thousands of years.  This is something we believe in strongly to be true.  Whether it be the reptilian serpents in the bible, the worship of Sobek Ra in ancient egypt, the dragon gods of Japanese history, the giant lizard statues found from ancient mayan/aztec civilizations, or the pyramid of sobek ra on our dollar bill.  We sometimes shapeshift into reptilian gods for our live show even.  We aren't the typical band and we don't have the typical sound.  We aren't gore based or satan based.  We are a conspiracy band focused on the Reptilian Agenda - for we are reptilians by nature.  Does this sound interesting?  Free your mind to other possibilities..."- Austin Spence (Bass, Vocals) 

So.......yeah, a surprising record to get be back into concept albums.  Perhaps it's the band's claims to truly believe this stuff.  More likely, for me, it's the sheer awesomeness of song-writing and diversity of death metal experienced throughout this half hour.
Not surprisingly, the lyrics are over the top also.  They are not about gore or rape or any brutal-to-be-brutal crap.  They are a good read, about a race that is taking us over and brainwashing us.  So, yes, they are political, but in a revealing way.  The lyrics, like the album, beg multiple reads and an alert yet open mind.
Overall, Reptilian Agenda is an amazing album.  You get diversity in riffs, vocals, and instrumentation.  More importantly, it is an incredibly cohesive story, from beginning to end.  Jon Zig provides beautifully haunting artwork to accompany.  Do yourself a huge favor by buying this one.  You'll get all the magnificent artwork inside, and all the lyrics.




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