7 H.TARGET, a Russian brutal death metal outfit, could be called many other things, but let’s not start giving sub-genres sub-genres. They have two new releases coming soon. I personally love this sort of experimental, open minded take on a genre that can so easily go stale and become boring. Some people don’t. No matter what, they are a good group of guys who put hard work and passion into their music and I am proud to present the below interview.
Cerebral Reviewment- First of all, thanks for taking the time to do this. Can you tell us a little about Electric Tools For Electric Human? When will it be released? What can fans expect?
Konstantin Korolev- Greetings and many thanks to Cerebral Reviewment for one more chance to talk about 7H and to bring these words to readers, we appreciate each interview!
'Electric Tools For Electric Human' has a long story. The first ideas for these tracks started to appear in January. Playing songs at concerts and working over them right in a rehearsal room, resulted repertoire in great condition by May. 7 H.TARGET, from the basis, maintains post industrialism subjects, and this time we have decided to suggest to be played to listeners with five electric tools, ready to stick our death grip into their throats. Deriving inspiration from such masterpieces of Japanese cyberpunk movies, ’ Electric Dragon 80000V ’ and ’ Rubber’s Lover ’ we started to shake studio walls in June.
Each 7 H.TARGET studio session is a minefield on which we are weighted by the most unusual and non-standard decisions that you cannot even guess in advance. Each 7 H.TARGET record is space for experiments with arrangements and instruments. In our experience, songs didn't leave the studio as we represented them before session, and it was especially shown on ’ Electric Tools For Electric Human ’ - the material is completely not similar to what was possible to hear from us earlier, it has already come true; an apocalyptic act showing all it’s greatness on ruins of the world.
Having heard our previous release ’ Japan Body Hammer ’ Ukrainian label Imbecil Entertainment Records has become interested in us from a half-turn, and has suggested we finish a release with some new material. So the idea to come out with two EPs on one disk was born, as will be made in September.
I will not miss this chance to tell you about one more of our future releases. It is debut LP ’ Fast-Slow Demolition ‘, planned to be released in October on Coyote records. Our debut album, without doubt, will become explosive on the Russian heavy scene - 37 minutes of technogenic madness will force you to go nuts! Ramon Mercado, the vocalist of American band PENCIL LEAD SYRINGE was invited to record vocals onto this record and he has made it perfectly well, having added animal roar to these freaky tracks.
Songs for an album have been written in a condition of madness and inspiration, we have composed all material over 4-5 months right on rehearsals, therefore it sounds fresh and doesn’t seem forced. Sound producer Arcady Navaho sensitively supervised over all processes of record in the Moscow studio Cosmos studio, and has managed to realize our ideas competently. It is possible to judge its professionalism on last releases of such bands as Katalepsy, Scrambled Defuncts, Cephalic Impurity.
Tetsuo - the character of a cult Japanese film ’ Tetsuo - The Iron Man ’ flaunts on the cover of cd which was made by Jonny of Grim Twins art studio.
All components are picked up perfectly so wait for massive attack to your ears this autumn!
Fast-Slow Demolition
CR- You guys used a lot of different sampling and noises on Japan Body Hammer, and I hear that continuing with the new tracks. Who or what inspires you? Can you tell us some of your favorite bands?
KK- Yes, both on ’ Japan Body Hammer ’ and on new EP samples from Japanese cult cyber-punk films are used. ’ Tetsuo - The Iron Man ‘, ’ Rubber’s Lover ‘, ’ Electric Dragon 80000v ‘, ’ 964 Pinocchio ’ - I think everyone should see these movies. Lately we are opening ourselves to Japanese noise and industrial executors, such as Сhu Ishikawa, Yamantaka Eye.
We listen to versatile music because it allows us to capture the wider musical picture, to pay attention to unusual ideas and decisions. I think that it is impossible to be close-minded people; it prevents development in music and any other art form.
In each musical genre there are great ones - at this time I almost don’t listen brutal death, only sometimes I’m refreshing style masterpieces, now I’m listening to progressive rock bands, such as Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Camel, E.L.P., Pink Floyd, and x-treem electronic styles such as Breakcore, Darkstep, Gabber.
CR- Can you tell me about the writing process behind your music and your lyrics?
KK- Thanks for this question, it very interesting and a vital topic in the world of modern heavy music. 7H was born spontaneously one and a half years ago - it became as a splash in fresh blood of the remains of our previous band SURGEONT which was in something like a lethargic sleep. All of it has imposed an indelible trace on all manner of 7 H.TARGET - spontaneously to play and compose.
The basic place in the composition process is occupied by jamming during rehearsal time, improvisation in which process high lights of compositions are outlined. We try to grasp atmosphere, therefore we do not shun any ways of playing. We allow music to live, instead being chained in stylistic frameworks or toolkit possibilities. Especially I want to point out that our live sound is put in the base of our studio sound.
Today’s extreme styles of metal have approached such points where we can see a group in a scene, whose music and performance level haven’t something in common with their album. And it is really sad, when bands are disappointing with their live performances. Seeing all it in us there is a natural desire to go counter to this tendency to kill records by excessive flatness of instruments and the polished sounding.
Concerning lyrics, usually our drummer incurs this work and supplements music with text, inspired by visions of a post apocalypse. Some of songs are not needed in lyrics because they are overflowing with energy. Texts aren't regarded as of paramount importance, but it can add fuel to the fire if needed!
Mikhail Panphilov (drums)- The lyrics paint our musical cloth with additional madness. Almost all tracks on “Fast-Slow” are devoted to the last days of the human world and a transmutation of man into mechanism. Tetsuo destroys our world. It will be better if I show you some lyrics:
“Metal + Flesh”
The knife cuts the flesh, exposing the veins
Hands are inserting hoses into the wounds
To drain the blood from all my vessels
Lube will be my blood
Unnecessary red slush is on the floor
Metal enters the body
Squeezing out the bones
Lube enters the body
Squeezing out the blood
Metal plus the Flesh, Metal plus Flesh!
I am walking on the steel legs
I am moving my steel hands
Oil is dripping on the floor
The noise of my heart, the hissing of my lungs
The clanking of the movement, the brilliance from the sun
Energy flows, fills me with
Power grows, I feel the might
Remains of flesh are rotting behind
Unnecessary blood has dried up in mud
Oil is dripping on the floor
New feelings, new desires, new power
“Japan Body Hammer”
My machinegun is growing out from my chest
My blood lubricates its metal [parts]
My heart is scanning target
The bullets [are] coming from the/my guts
To load the magazine/cartridge drum
Strange machine, the body-hammer
I am a man with metal inside
I am cannon inside the human’s meat
My anger gives rise to me as a machine of death
Strange machine, the body-hammer
My bullets tear/[are] tearing the flesh of my targets
And empty cartridge cases [are] falling in an endless stream
Rage is heating up the barrel
And blood is sizzling at the sear
The heart is beating time with burst of fire
Strange machine, the body-hammer
I am a man with metal inside
I am cannon in the human’s meat
My anger gives rise to me [as] a machine of death
Strange machine, the body-hammer

CR- What is your favorite band from around your area?
KK- It is easier to tell about unloved, hаhа! But I will try to do it. The first that occurs is Neverending War - in the past they were very quite good Deathcore, and Catchers In The Rye, which play interesting Experimental.
CR- What else are you guys into? What are some of your hobbies outside of music?
KK- In my free time I study at a university, and I also I like to spend evenings viewing good movies or reading books.
MP- I like to spend time in woods, I try to be there often. Also I am interested in metaphysics and horrors-films.
CR- What are your plans for the future as far as touring and making new music?
KK- Lots of plans and ideas! With both CDs there will be lots of merch and we are going to do a tour in Russia. Our plan after the album release is shooting a video for one of our tracks. Well and certainly we never stop composing music - new releases won’t keep you waiting long, therefore stay tuned to 7 H.TARGET and keep it real! \M/
Pencil Lead Syringe vocalist, Ramon Mercado, did all the vocals on 7H. Target’s upcoming release “Fast-Slow Demolition”. The following is a quick interview with him:

CR- Thanks Ramon for taking time to do this, I understand you did all the vocals on “Fast-Slow Demolition”, can you tell me how this came about? How you met or got connected with the band, and how the recording process was?
Ramon Mercado- No problem Dude, Well Basically they sent me a couple of messages through the facebook asking me if I was interested in doing vocals for them on their new album. At first I couldn’t because I was traveling up and down from Riverside,Ca to the Bay Area(Northern Ca) on a regular basis, the recording process took a bit since I tried 2 different studios and then I found one with great quality and decent prices.
CR- What can you say about your vocals on this release? Are they a different style than yours with Pencil Lead Syringe?
RM- Not much difference in the vocals. When I first listened to their music, I told my self it would be a challenge since it was crazy technical with all over the place riffs, I asked what kind of vocal style they wanted and they said to do the same I do in PLS so it worked out just fine.
CR- What is the lyrical content like on FSD? Did you write them all?
RM- I did not write the lyrics to this album, they were written by the guys in the band.
CR- Who are some of your personal influences as a vocalist?
RM- My personal influences in the Death Metal Community would have to be Blue Jensen(Guttural Secrete), Joe Horvath(Circle Of Dead Children) Matt(Implosive Disgorgence) Travis Ryan(Cattle Decapitation) & Gabriel McCaughry(Ion Dissonance)
those are all amazing vocalists and my favorites.
CR- Any other genres of music you listen to often?
Mikhail Panphilov (drums)- The lyrics paint our musical cloth with additional madness. Almost all tracks on “Fast-Slow” are devoted to the last days of the human world and a transmutation of man into mechanism. Tetsuo destroys our world. It will be better if I show you some lyrics:
“Metal + Flesh”
The knife cuts the flesh, exposing the veins
Hands are inserting hoses into the wounds
To drain the blood from all my vessels
Lube will be my blood
Unnecessary red slush is on the floor
Metal enters the body
Squeezing out the bones
Lube enters the body
Squeezing out the blood
Metal plus the Flesh, Metal plus Flesh!
I am walking on the steel legs
I am moving my steel hands
Oil is dripping on the floor
The noise of my heart, the hissing of my lungs
The clanking of the movement, the brilliance from the sun
Energy flows, fills me with
Power grows, I feel the might
Remains of flesh are rotting behind
Unnecessary blood has dried up in mud
Oil is dripping on the floor
New feelings, new desires, new power
“Japan Body Hammer”
My machinegun is growing out from my chest
My blood lubricates its metal [parts]
My heart is scanning target
The bullets [are] coming from the/my guts
To load the magazine/cartridge drum
Strange machine, the body-hammer
I am a man with metal inside
I am cannon inside the human’s meat
My anger gives rise to me as a machine of death
Strange machine, the body-hammer
My bullets tear/[are] tearing the flesh of my targets
And empty cartridge cases [are] falling in an endless stream
Rage is heating up the barrel
And blood is sizzling at the sear
The heart is beating time with burst of fire
Strange machine, the body-hammer
I am a man with metal inside
I am cannon in the human’s meat
My anger gives rise to me [as] a machine of death
Strange machine, the body-hammer
CR- What is your favorite band from around your area?
KK- It is easier to tell about unloved, hаhа! But I will try to do it. The first that occurs is Neverending War - in the past they were very quite good Deathcore, and Catchers In The Rye, which play interesting Experimental.
CR- What else are you guys into? What are some of your hobbies outside of music?
KK- In my free time I study at a university, and I also I like to spend evenings viewing good movies or reading books.
MP- I like to spend time in woods, I try to be there often. Also I am interested in metaphysics and horrors-films.
CR- What are your plans for the future as far as touring and making new music?
KK- Lots of plans and ideas! With both CDs there will be lots of merch and we are going to do a tour in Russia. Our plan after the album release is shooting a video for one of our tracks. Well and certainly we never stop composing music - new releases won’t keep you waiting long, therefore stay tuned to 7 H.TARGET and keep it real! \M/
Pencil Lead Syringe vocalist, Ramon Mercado, did all the vocals on 7H. Target’s upcoming release “Fast-Slow Demolition”. The following is a quick interview with him:
CR- Thanks Ramon for taking time to do this, I understand you did all the vocals on “Fast-Slow Demolition”, can you tell me how this came about? How you met or got connected with the band, and how the recording process was?
Ramon Mercado- No problem Dude, Well Basically they sent me a couple of messages through the facebook asking me if I was interested in doing vocals for them on their new album. At first I couldn’t because I was traveling up and down from Riverside,Ca to the Bay Area(Northern Ca) on a regular basis, the recording process took a bit since I tried 2 different studios and then I found one with great quality and decent prices.
CR- What can you say about your vocals on this release? Are they a different style than yours with Pencil Lead Syringe?
RM- Not much difference in the vocals. When I first listened to their music, I told my self it would be a challenge since it was crazy technical with all over the place riffs, I asked what kind of vocal style they wanted and they said to do the same I do in PLS so it worked out just fine.
CR- What is the lyrical content like on FSD? Did you write them all?
RM- I did not write the lyrics to this album, they were written by the guys in the band.
CR- Who are some of your personal influences as a vocalist?
RM- My personal influences in the Death Metal Community would have to be Blue Jensen(Guttural Secrete), Joe Horvath(Circle Of Dead Children) Matt(Implosive Disgorgence) Travis Ryan(Cattle Decapitation) & Gabriel McCaughry(Ion Dissonance)
those are all amazing vocalists and my favorites.
CR- Any other genres of music you listen to often?
RM- Hip- Hop, Pop Punk, Grindcore, Instrumental Rock (Explosions in the sky type of stuff).
CR- Are you working on vocals for any other bands or projects right now?
RM- Not at the Moment, I would like to though!
CR- Any Cali bands from your scene coming up that we should know about?
RM- Check out Ossification(Moreno Valley) , Paroxysmal Butchering (San Diego) , Rott(LA) , Bedlam Of Cacophony (Orange County)
Necrambulant(Phoenix Az) they're not from our area but check them out as well.
CR- Thanks again man! Cannot wait to hear this new album!!!
RM- No problem thank you
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