I am very excited to say that I was able to interview Alessandro Garofalo of Created From Pig's Mutilation.
Alessandro Garofalo- We chose this name because we wanted to create a demential grind project.
Indeed CxFxPxMx stands for a cluster of diseases, operations (and so on) put together.
CR- Created From Pig’s Mutilation has the same initials but how did you decide on that name?
AG- While we were composing the lyrics, we realized that we were creating pure slam; so we decided to change the name, because the previous reflected our kind of music no more. The current name has the same initial letters, but it is connected with a story of a particular creature that we do not want to reveal now. We will explain and develop it when we will have published the full length. ;)
CR- Where are you guys from?
AG- We are from Italy.
CR- How old is everyone in the band?
AG- We are all almost the same age: I (the guitarist) am 20, Luca (the singer) is 21 and Stefano (the bassist) is 19.
CR- What are some of your biggest influences for writing?
AG- Of course Devourment, we consider them as masters!!!! But also Cannibal Corpse, Kraanium, Vulvectomy, Abominable Putridity, Extirpating The Infected, Short Bus Pile Up and many more bands.
CR- What is some music you listen to that is not metal?
AG- We are extremely heterogeneous. Every one of us sometimes listens to reggae, rap, dance, funk, punk and so on.
CR- I really liked the logo design for your old name, and I really like the new one as well! Can you say a little bit about Garol Graphics and how you started working with them? Also any other artists you are working with?
AG- I’m the man behind Garol Graphics, so it’s really easy for us to fuse our musical attitude and the way we write lyrics with the graphics (logos, cd covers, merchandise, etc.).We are also thinking about working with other artists, but we prefer not to anticipate anything right now… =)
CR- What is your opinion on lyrics in this genre? Some bands seem to have stopped having any at all. Do you guys have lyrics? What are they about?
AG- It’s a matter of style…it’s just like using a drum machine instead of a real drummer.
If there are no lyrics, the voice becomes an instrument, so the presence of lyrics depends from what a band has in mind.
As regards us, the lyrics are about splatter, horror, pornos and there is frequently a reference between them and the story behind the new name of the band.
CR- I could speak for hours about my annoyance with some drum programmers, but I can happily say that I love yours! I think it is tasteful while sounding realistic and not going overboard. Can you say a little bit about your process when it comes to the drums? What gear your using? Any specific influences for your drums?
AG- When I compose, I write up the song using guitar pro and in the meanwhile I create a simple midi drum base. After the song has been finished, in the rehearsal room we decide all the details of the drum part. When the track is completed, I convert it using superior drummer, equalizing the sounds as we need them and then I sometimes add intros.
CR- In the video for “Starting To Devour Pig’s Entrails” it says the intro is done by IntroMania. Can you talk a little bit about that?
AG- IntroMania is the guitarist of my other band “Kronium”, he creates intros and soundtracks for bands, horror movies, short films. All our intros are done by him.
Thanks a lot CxFxPxMx!!!

CR- In the video for “Starting To Devour Pig’s Entrails” it says the intro is done by IntroMania. Can you talk a little bit about that?
AG- IntroMania is the guitarist of my other band “Kronium”, he creates intros and soundtracks for bands, horror movies, short films. All our intros are done by him.
Thanks a lot CxFxPxMx!!!
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