This four piece out of Russia seems to have some cool art and a full length about to be released. They seem to have a decent following already and, being a Russian slam outfit, I was excited to hear what they were like. As a whole (two songs) this is ‘ok’ at most. I was left wanting much more, but this is a 6:00 minute promo. Keep in mind that two of these four guys are listed as vocalists. The vocals are one of my biggest complaints. It actually sounds like a cement brick being dragged across the road, with very little variety or range. “Intracolonic Convulsions” starts with a slower blasting tremolo riff that goes right into a simple, generic slam and the vocals are just too…. blah. The band said they abandoned lyrical themes (lyrics) in hopes to better use the vocals as an ‘instrument’. Yeah, I get that, but I don’t like it here. If you are not going to use lyrics with these kind of vocals, I think a lot can still be done to make it less boring.
'Intracolonic' actually gets better as you go, gaining momentum halfway through by utilizing simple double bass drumming and catchy guitar riffs over top. Other than these really simple parts, which are still nice, the drum programming is pretty creative. I just cannot get past the vocals. “Moral Post-Rape Trauma” is a much better song with simple slamming parts and a pretty cool part starting at 1:40. A lot of cool stuff going on with the bass guitar, too. I guess I have been a little too harsh in this review. Overall, I like everything but the vocals. I am excited to hear what their full length, “Pychotonic Abnormal Dismemberment” will sound like and I will happily review the full length when I get it.
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