Thursday, August 29, 2013

7 H. Target - Japan Body Hammer -2010

This Russian slam/noise/grind outfit put out "Japan Body Hammer" in 2010 and to my knowledge hadn’t been up to too much else.  Then their guitarist posted THIS VIDEO.  They also posted two new songs from their upcoming EP on their myspace page.  I had actually forgotten about this band and how much I liked them when I first heard them.   I love the new material I am hearing from 7 H. Target.   I was already very hopeful and excited for new music from these guys, and the two new tracks just showed that they had some very good stuff on the way.   Let’s not jump the gun though, how about Japan Body Hammer?

7 H. Target keep things very fun and interesting, experimenting with wanky guitar and bass sounds that are probably not appreciated or welcome by most brutal death fans, but should be.  Please give Japan Body Hammer a listen!

"Vortex Coming With Tetsuo" has an intro that reminded me of Nine Inch Nails, not a bad thing.  This track has weird guitar work throughout accompanied by equally weird vocals.  Also, not a bad thing, keeps you on your toes and, for me, made me want to go on listening to see what else was in store.  The drums sound pretty bad when you start this album but they grow on you and you start to realize that the drums are one of the best parts.  Right around 2:40, this track seems to come to a boiling point with a fast riff bringing everything to a tense buildup that is soon resolved.

Then the title track comes in with a very cool sample that made me smile going directly into an almost bouncy riff with unique vocals.   This is all punctuated by simple yet very creative drumming.   About a minute into this song it sounds like the vocalist goes under water, or is possibly actually gurgling some water.   It is great.  Then comes another great sample from Tetsuo-Iron Man.  A repetitive buildup takes you to a very strange noise at 2:48.  One of the small but huge sort of things that I love about this band.   The vocals get progressively deeper until the end of this track.  This vocalist is very good.

"The World is Mine" is a prime example of how tight and groovy this band is.  Full of creative riffs and even more creative, unique drums and vocals.  The bass guitar stands out on this whole album as being way more apart of the songwriting than usual.  Overall, you can tell that they had tons of fun with this track.

"Metal + Flesh" kicks off with a pretty straightforward catchy riff, although my favorite drum fills on the album thus far, leading to an awesome vocally driven section.  Then at 1:10 comes an awesome change that reminds me of old, old See You Next Tuesday, which actually was good.  This is how you take simple riffs and execute them creatively.  My favorite part of this track though starts at 2:00 and it is the tempo changes with the gutturals behind them.  Then comes a really cool, sort of marching riff with drums reminiscent of Devourment.

The song “Technosex” was the first time I found myself saying “OK, that’s a little much.”  The guitar wankery and squeals got to me a bit here.  For a song that is almost two and a half minutes long, nothing grabbed me and I just did not think that it fit in.
"Drillpenis" on the other hand fit quite well in this album!   Opening riff is great with tremolo high notes and then some drumming that actually made me smile.  This track also has some of the best vocals.   The drums make this track funny or awesome or awesomely fun!  Nonetheless a great way to end.


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