Friday, August 9, 2013

Parasitic Ejaculation- Rationing the Sacred Human Remains - 2013 Ghastly Music

Artwork by Votd Art, out of Indonesia

Santa Cruz, California's Parasitic Ejaculation are here to infect us all....... with their semen.  I never thought it could burn so good!  Combining hard hitting slams with technically proficient riffs that turn on a dime, the band's debut does not get boring.

The band has been around for a couple of years, releasing two demos, however, neither of which were quite as powerful as the complete package that is Rationing the Sacred Human Remains.  It features that raw feeling that I haven't felt since The Gurchick Tree, only with enough clarity to hear everything that is going on.  The songwriting on the album is very complex and unpredictable, employing tempo changes and pinch harmonics out of nowhere.

Another prominent aspect of this album are the vocals.  Jonathan Neel has a couple different techniques used here, one is more bree bree and reminds me a bit of Human Mastication, The other is a phlegmy, deep guttural, think Engorgement.  They are equally used and always impressive.
Bassist Josh Schwartz provides a thick, powerful low end throughout.  He also plays some very memorable and audible riffs.  Perhaps most at the forefront of this record are drummer Donovan Dettle and guitarist Mike Mostachetti.  Together, the 25 minutes of creativity flow through them as if it were simple to write catchy, memorable, fun music for people to grunt over.  Well, they've done it.

The whole album feels well put together and unfolds like a well written novel.  There is a classic toungue-in-cheek vibe here, largely due to some of the samples used.  Remember Short Bus Pile Up's album Repulsive Display of Human Upholstery?  (If you don't, stop reading now)  That is the vibe I am talking about, a totally addicting, evil yet fun feeling.  Speaking of Short Bus Pile Up, Vocalist Tyler Sharpes makes an appearance on this album, as well as Logistic Slaughter's Andrew Smith and Zack Shaw, who is Phalloplatsy.

Either we have slippery, sliding guitar riffs or brutal slams.  Everything is here and everything fits.  The individual songs are catchy and creative.  Exuding Degenerative Cadavers is one of my favorites; endless groove complimented by steady, disgusting gutturals.

This 25 minute album is a very impressive debut full length for Parasitic Ejaculation that will be a hard one to top. I cannot wait to hear what's next!

Order this album HERE

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