Saturday, January 25, 2025

Bubba interview 2025

Death Metal, Melodic Brutal Slam, Blackened Grinding Slamwich.  

The sound of Bubba cannot be nailed down.  One thing is for sure, in the days of cookie-cutter, copy-cat, over-saturated and stagnant Slam releases, bands like this are a much overdue refreshing palate cleanser.  Bubba's full length, "Cogwheels Of The Pious Forge" will hit you with a wall of nostalgic, yet somehow brand new, creative song-writing that just may remind you why you came to extreme music in the first place.  Bravo boys, and please do keep it coming!

CEREBRAL REVIEWMENT -   Lets start with who we are talking to and what you do in the band? Who are all members of the band, and how old are you guys?

JAKE PIKLOR (Guitarist) -     Hey, this is Jake from Bubba, I play guitar in the band. Our lineup consists of Jake Piklor (Me), Nico Lavere on vocals, Justin Staska on drums, and we just recruited a new bassist Jacob Bond. 

Can you tell us the history of the band and how this all started?

Bubba started as a just-for-fun project to jam out and write songs that we thought were cool and weird. We originally wanted to start with the approach of black metal-ish brutal death metal but it evolved into doing what felt right and not being afraid to experiment. As we were creating these tracks we decided to take it as a serious project and refine our sound. 

I've seen you guys labeled as "blasting melodic brutal death", "blackened brutal death" and "grinding slam".  How do you describe Bubba's sound?

Honestly, I couldn't put an exact label on Bubba. The best way I could describe it is by taking what we find inspiring in all the types of music we love and applying it to a death metal-styled concept.

The full length is just fucking bonkers.  So original and refreshing.  I have to assume you guys have crazy diverse taste in music?  What are you guys into, and what bands or artist would you call influences?

We all kinda listen to a little bit of everything. Many different bands and artists inspired the writing behind the album and no band in particular takes the cake on the direct influence but it's a little bit of everything we like. To name a few, I'd say: Iron Maiden, Despondency, Broken Torso, Severed Remains, Vomit Remnants, Cerebral Effusion, and Guttural Secrete.

How did the name Bubba come about?

The name Bubba came from us having a nickname for each other 'Bubba' and just ran with it.

What are the lyrics like, do you guys stick to a certain theme?

We do stick to a certain theme, the whole idea behind the album was that in hard times people seek guidance, meaning, and support in many forms like religion. People look to religion to find comfort in their darkest times but then drift away as life becomes more convenient and forget about what helped them get there.

Who did the artwork for Cogwheels?

Our Vocalist Nico found and edited an open-access historical painting to encapsulate the imagery of our album.

Can you give us your take on the current death metal scene in your area?

There aren't many death metal bands around us at all, it mainly consists of hardcore and deathcore bands. The 2 in the scene that stick out the most are Implosive Disgorgence and Hacksaw.

Can you suggest any upcoming bands for us to check out?

A few upcoming bands to check out are: Impalement from California, they make some super sick brutal death metal. Vacant Moley is a super sick project our brother Ed from Bloodtied/Dripping has been working on a full-length of mind-bending insane brutal death metal that's super unique. Another sick band to check out is New York Style brutal death metal band, Hacksaw from South Florida. Me and Justin just hopped on board this band and it's been awesome.

Any future plans for more new music, shows, merch, or anything coming up you could share?

As of right now, we are working on putting together some shows and getting out there more. There is going to be merch in the near future. In regards to the music, our other band Bloodtied is wrapping up writing our debut LP and will hopefully be getting it recorded soon. Along with that, we have a side project coming up soon called Nidification which is going to be brutal death metal in the realm of Putridity and Goretrade. In regards to Bubba, we are writing more music to potentially release in the late future.


Thank you very much for reaching out to us and wanting to interview us! We very much appreciate all the support and feedback we are receiving from everyone!






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