Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Carniceria Interview 2024

It is a little bit crazy how much music these dudes pump out, especially at 16 years old!  Quality shit too!  Definitely will be paying attention to Carniceria and their side projects in the coming years!  Learn more below!


Thank you so much for taking to time to do this!  The band is only two people?!?!  I did not expect that from the big beefy sound you guys have.  Who are we speaking with?  What is your role in Carniceria? 

Im Dan, I record/play all the instruments (guitar, bass, drums, backing vox) and I also mix and master (overall production - GROTESCA PRODUCTIONS). I basically do everything since this used to be a one man project. However, live I only play guitar.

How old are you guys?

We are all 16 - 17 years old.

What are your guys main jobs?

I can't speak for my other members but at the moment I don't have a job, and I believe they don't have jobs either. 

I hear bits of Boltcutter, Peelingflesh, Cerebral Incubation, etc...  Are these accurate influences for you?  Who am I missing?

The references are definitely accurate, but I definitely take major inspiration from Embryectomy as well.

Can you speak a little on the songwriting process for you and then the recording process as-well?

Believe it or not, all of the Carniceria tracks were recorded using an irig los interface, and garageband on my iphone haha, I also do all the mixing and mastering on garageband ios.

"Skante Fueled Massacre" feels more like a full length effort (even though it is 15 minutes).  It is well rounded, well written, and has 4 features.  I know it is listed as an EP.  Is there a full length on the way from Carniceria?

There is definitely a full length on the way and i hope to have genuine artwork for our next release! 

What is the story behind the cover art / picture on SFM?

The picture comes from a movie that I honestly don't remember the name of haha, there's not much story to the cover other than the fact that I feel like it matched the name "Skante Fueled Massacre".

Tell us a little about Pest Control Records.  How did working with them come about?

Pest Control Records is an upcoming label from Long Beach, California. I submitted my demo to them around a year ago and they took me and ever since, we have grown together. Very cool and chill dude. 

How did the name Carniceria come about?

Carniceria is spanish for "Butchery" and in my opinion, that's brutal as fuck, but it's also partly the fact that we are proud of our Chicano culture, so i chose a name in spanish ! 

How do you go about finding and choosing samples that you use?

Most of the samples where chosen by our vocalist Dagoh. We try to find stuff that is relatable to the song, either literally or in a joking manner, it's simply for fun. 

What are some of your favorite things to do, outside of music?

If i'm being honest, music is my main hobby, I don't really do much out of that haha, I play multiple genres and I just love music all around. I know my vocalist Dagoh loves skating and he is really good at it. I'm unsure of my drummer Leo but from what I've seen, he likes doing a lot of art things like making flyers or collages or even making patches.

Can you name a few upcoming bands that we should check out?

Split the Fuck Open, Hematopoietic, Deepthroat Defecation, Gruesome End, Intercranialectomy, Desecrated Extinction

What is something about you that fans of your music would be surprised to learn?

Me and my drummer leo are in a shit ton of bands, but i'd say Carniceria is definitely my main act.

How did you guys get into this kind of music?  And what other music are you fans of?

Growing up in a religious mexican family, listening to any heavy music was seen as bad, but ever since I was young I was exposed to bands like System of A Down, Snot, Slipknot and bands alike, I've always loved brutal music, and I quickly discovered brutal death metal and I fell in love with it, ever since, it's basically the main genre I listen to and play. 

Thanks again for taking the time to answer a few questions!  Anything else you'd like to say?









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