Friday, December 27, 2024

BILE - Double Incision Tracheotomy - Demo 2024

--------LISTEN TO DEMO HERE--------

Who is BILE?

Bile is myself (guitar , drums and samples ) some guest vocalists from other homies projects , and Dominik (Babykiller) as the lead vocalist 

How would you guys describe your music?

Barbaric , sludgy , definitely heavy on "caveman-esque" style of drums and riffs, basically as dumbed down and brutal as possible. Nothing flashy or clean that's for sure. Just trying to worship the slam gods like Cephalotripsy, early Esophagus very early Cerebral Incubation and Guttural Slug . The classic 99-2010 sound , chugg guitars, popcorn snare, samples and ridiculous bass drops with grotesque vocals.

What other projects are you involved in?

Me personally am involved with 3 other bands , 

a brutal death metal project ( Seepage ) with Dan from Carniceria , a Nordic god themed slam band with friend of mine on vocals (Euphoric Dementia) and my main project with Dominik ( Intercranialectomy) 

Who is responsible for the BILE logo and the Double Incision Tracheotomy artwork?

The logo was done my fellow slam enthusiasts max from Deepthroat Defecation, he does a feature on a track as well. The artwork was done by myself.



1•Asphyxiation on fertmented stomach bile 

2•Nocardia cyriacigeorgica soft tissue infection attributable to unlicensed cosmetic procedure (featuring deepthroat defecation) 

3•compound elevated skull fracture (featuring gruesome end ) 

4•immunotherapy treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head

These are some interesting song names!  Particularly "Nocardia Cyriacigeorgica Soft Tissue Infection Attributable To Unlicensed Cosmetic Procedure"

Nocardia cyriacigeorgica is a bacterium that causes infections in humans, primarily in people who are immunocompromised

Makes me wonder, who comes up with these?  do you guys have lyrics?  How are vocal duties shared?

I'm a huge fan of ridiculously long slam song titles, I think it adds to the obscurity of the genre and definitely makes for a brutal imagination from the listener.  That specific song title is from a medical gore page I use to find all sorts of nasty ideas.  There are no lyrics because we are cavemen!

Dom is a genius  lyricist but I just wanted gross alien inhuman sound and that doesn't really call for lyrics.

The demo is 4 songs, just under 8 minutes.  Is BILE a one-and-done experimental side project, or are there any plans for more BILE music?

Bile is definitely an experimental side project that will see the light of day again for sure . Since it's a one man operation and less serious from my other projects, I can really just get creative with samples and caveman ideas.

Thanks guys for answering a few questions!  Anything you'd like to say?

Anytime brutal boss, thanks for giving us a jam. 

Shoutout  to Devourment, Esophagus, Cephalotripsy, Cerebral Incubation, Guttural Engorgement, Gorevent. And every single brutal ass band out there that isn't afraid to "slam the entire song"!. Keep that shit brutal and fucked up! No hardcore-slam  , no trends! 

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