Sunday, November 17, 2024

Pusboil Interview 2024

Pusboil, a Slamming Death Metal outfit from Switzerland, released a demo in 2022, an AMAZING full-length in 2023 with "Ancient Stories of Suffering and Disease", and have a brand new EP coming in 2025!!!  I was lucky enough to have vocalist Marvin answer a few questions.  Enjoy below, and support Pusboil!


Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions! Who do we have the

pleasure of  speaking with, and what is your role in the band? 

Thanks for having us/me! Im Marvin and I do most of the vocals in the band, handle a part of social
media, recording and some other background stuff. 

How did Pusboil come to be? Can you tell us about the other members of the band? 

Remo, our guitarist/vocalist and I started Pusboil in march 2022 as a bedroom slam project with no intentions to play any live shows since we had no experience at all with making music.

Shortly after we asked Sandro if he wants to take over bass duty, since Remo  knew him already from his other band, Goreshower and we released our first demo as a 3 piece. 

After that we started to rehearse and write more music and we played our first 2 shows with backing drums.

In April 2023, shortly after we released our first album, Maxi joined us on drums  and since then we play in this formation as a 4 piece

"Ancient Stories of Suffering and Disease" has an old-school BDM vibe mixed with

some  slams and a crazy range of vocal sounds. Can you explain what sort

of influences bring this  sound out? How would you describe your sound? 

Like you already mentioned, we are all very much influenced by a lot of oldschool BDM/Slam and  classic DM bands, even some grind and punk bands, so we always tried to incorporate that in our songwriting with our own twists and trademarks. Speaking for myself I don't really take a lot  of influences from other vocalists, I always tried to do my own thing and being as unique and  true to myself as possible. Same goes to Remos approach to write and create new riffs and I think in the end that makes us sound like Pusboil and not just a cheap clone of other bands.  

Since the songwriting on Ancient wasn't that outstanding we tried to add a bit more depth with  different vocal styles. A big influence on that record was definitely .357 Homicide.

Jake Gamble  also recorded the drums for this album. 

Who did the artwork for ASOSAD? 

Rudi Yanto from Gorgingsuicide Art, he also did the artwork for our upcoming EP.

Shout out to  him for being one of the best artists in the scene!

I know you guys have an EP coming soon. When can we expect "Indictment"?

The cover art  and single are both amazing! 

Thanks a lot for the nice words, we are also really happy and surprised with how good it came out,  since we recorded everything on our own for the first time. The EP should drop around march 2025 via Pathologically Explicit Records. 

"Indictment" marks a bit of a milestone in our musical career if you wanna say so lol. We evolved a lot in the short amount of time since we have been around. So it a great display of what we kinda always  wanted to sound like as a band. Its way more BDM influenced with less slam parts and more memorable riffs/parts. Maxi also adds a lot to the songs with his outstanding and rather untypical drumming for a Slam/BDM band. We aimed for a classic oldschool BDM sound- production wise - and took influences from bands like Lividity, Digested Flesh, Eternal Suffering and Regurgitation mixed with our own Pusboil style of course. 

What else can we expect in the near future? Live shows? New merch? 

The next big thing is the release of our EP "Indictment" in March 2025. We also just got some  new shirts with a new design, which was made by the super talented Eder Hernandez from Putrid Carcass Art. We also have a bunch of different live shows planned for next year like the first edition of Karlsruhe Deathfest in April, NTYE Deathfest and Berlin Desecration Fest both in may and some others I cant spoil on here, since they are not official yet, but its going to be a busy year for us! 

How did you guys land on the name "Pusboil"? 

Oh, thats a good question and most people get the meaning of our band name wrong. Remo and I wanted a short, concise name that also fits our lyrical themes, sticks easy and wasn't already taken by several other bands. So we came up with Pusboil, which has nothing to do with boiling  pus like many think. It's an abscess thats filled with pus, a medical condition that people got from the bubonic plague. 

Can you name 3 bands that you take influence from? 

We have a lot of influences but I would say 3 big ones for us are Lividity, Beheaded and Digested  Flesh. 

Can you name a few upcoming bands from your area that we should check out? 

Sadly, there aren't that many sick bands from Switzerland anymore, but first of all Goreshower, which is Remos other band. Now a bit shameless self promotion, Remo and I also have a Goregrind project which is about to release our first album under the name Septizin, so make  sure to check that out.

Then not so new our brothers from Consumed by Vultures, if you dig a  more modern approach to BDM/Slam. Our good friends in Rectal Depravity which probably is the  most dumbest (in the most positive way) band we have in Switzerland. Last but not least the  most sickest and underrated of them all: Kakothanasy – make sure to check them out!

Thanks again! Anything at all you would like to say to our readers? 

Again thank you very much for having me/us and the support for Pusboil and like always: keep it  sick in the dick and listen/support true underground sickness!








Saturday, November 16, 2024

Ungraceful Interview 2024

Ungraceful is beefy, chunky, groovy riff filled 4th dimensional slam, with untouchably nasty vocals.  A 27 minute journey in a brutal dimension that is rather infectious and addictive.  This two-man group was nice enough to sit down and answer a few questions.  Enjoy!!


Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions!  Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with?

Ungraceful is a two-man project.  Jake writing and playing all instruments, Azeratรฉ on the disgusting vocals.  Am I getting that right?  Any other members included in the process?  

Jake: “This is Jake and I’ve sent all your questions to Azerate and will include his answers too. And yes, we’re a 2-man show. “

Speaking of process, what is the Ungraceful writing and recording process like?

Jake: “Typically, I start by setting a tempo and developing a solid riff. Once that’s recorded, I let go mentally, allowing the tempo to drive the process as I continue jamming and see where things naturally evolve. Much of the writing involves thinking, ‘What would sound best next? How do I get there?’- always trying to stay a few steps ahead. 

The transitions between riffs are often more important than the riffs themselves, as I focus on hooks, building momentum and creating climactic moments. Slam is a straightforward genre, which makes it challenging to keep things interesting. Some songs have taken weeks to complete, while others come together in a single day. For example, when I wrote Schizophrenic Machete Assault, I set the tempo at 120 bpm, hit record, and the song’s structure was done in one take. Once you add drums, the creativity really starts to flow, and you often discover ways the guitar can be improved, leading to back-and-forth adjustments. It’s a long, evolving process.”

Azerate:  Unfortunately, we live a distance from each other.  As of now, Jake writes drums, then tracks guitar and bass, exports a demo and forwards it to me. I take time to listen and create a solid mental image before creating any phasing. In some instances I get into a trance state and usually will power through a note of words or phases in one take. As the technicality of the music progresses, with Jakes encouragement, I begin to experiment with laying techniques and variations of vocal styles.

Artificial Aberrations is such a crazy album, already mentioned on online forums and youtube comments as easily one of the best of last year.  Were those songs a long time in the making?  How do you guys feel like it was received?

Jake:  I believe I started writing the first song for that album about a month after the release of "There Is No God Here."

 It wasn’t until about a year and a half later that the full album came out, so it took quite a while. Originally, it was supposed to be another 7-song EP, like the first release. But after connecting with Azerate, we decided to write two brand-new tracks just for fun, unrelated to the EP. Those songs eventually became our 2022 single.

Alex from Inherited Suffering Records reached out after hearing the singles and wanted to plan our next release. 

He suggested we combine the singles with the tracks we had planned for the EP and turn it into a full album. This meant we had to re-record the EP tracks to match the tuning and mix of the singles, and that’s how the album officially came to life. 

Telekinetic DNA Removal was actually written about a week before the album’s release, and we included it to round the project out to nine songs. I knew we had something special but it was definitely still received better than I thought.

Azerate: The album was finished for sometime but revisited after we signed with Inherited Suffering.  In preparation of the release, the entire album was re-recorded and sounded vastly different from its predecessor. The successor is what you all know to be “Artificial Aberrations”. Revisiting them allowed for us to refine our writing and sounds, while pushing the boundaries of our ability. I (azerate), personally feel it was underestimated; which allowed for a greater impact than either of us expected.

I am continually grateful for Inherited Suffering for seeing the diamonds in the rough, and helping build awareness to the general masses. I can say this is one of the most unique projects I have had the pleasure of participating in. Jake is a masterful musician with unmatched skill and creativity.

How did working with Reality Fade come about, and what can you tell us about your upcoming 2nd full-length?  What are your fans in for?

Jake:   Again, we were lucky enough to have them reach out to us. As Azerate would tell me, it was a manifestation. I was talking for some time about wanting to possibly get in with Realityfade due to their community engagement and continued support of their bands also their drip is always sick as fuck. 

As for the next album, I would say there’s a bigger focus on riffs and technicality. I wanted to take all of the great aspects of Artificial Aberrations and turn it up to 11. All of our work so far has been written with the idea in mind that a good drummer could play it. I’ve basically thrown that idea out and now we’re just going full on demon mode. As of me writing this, I’d say we’re about 50% done with the album. 

Azerate:  After convening at the Bronx Zoo in New York city, we went to New Jersey and had our first live practice.  During this time, we had just received merch from Russia and began sharing posts about the releases online.  It was at this time we were contacted directly by Reality Fade

The new music is an evolution of the alien sonic captured in our music.  I believe it to be more visceral, suspenseful and off putting.  As we develop as artists and as people; our preferences and taste change too. While I feel that Artificial Aberrations had a more rigid concept in place, this 2nd album is more advanced yet naturally took form.  It’s primal, cold and calculated.  I believe Jake and I’s characters are expressed much more clearly this time around. 

Artificial Aberrations was the sound of us getting a foot in the door, and this next album is us comfortably taking the couch.

How did the name Ungraceful come about?

Jake: Ungraceful started as a social media tag I used for a long time, mainly for my art page on Instagram and a few entrepreneurial ventures that didn’t pan out. 

Over time, it evolved into a regular personal Instagram account, but the name stuck. When I began making music, I was brainstorming for a name, and after searching ‘Ungraceful’ on Spotify and not finding any other artists using it, I decided the ungraceful legacy will keep going. 

Can you name 3 bands that you take influence from?

Jake: I’ve been blasting a lot of Syphilectomy lately. Deprecation is another favorite—another two-man band, but those Russian morherfuckers know how to write a good slam. 

Speaking of, We’ve been compared to Abominable Putridity a few times, which I guess is a compliment. Maybe that’s why Alex reached out. who wouldn’t want to work with the discount version of their favorite brutal death metal bands?”

Azerate:  Traumatomy, Putrescent and Inpoexia

Can you name a few upcoming bands that we should check out?

Jake:  That’s a better question for Azerate cus I’m a mainstream poser.                             Azerate is a living almanac for the deepest, darkest underground caveman shit.  Also he’s in like 39 bands, check them all out. 

Azerate: Be on the look out for Surgical Abnormalization, Knife Fight, Sumijigoku, and any project featuring Hugo Ojeda.

What is something about you that fans of your music would be surprised to learn?

Jake:  I’m actually just three raccoons in a trench coat, it’s a miracle that we’ve actually made it this far. 

Azerate:  We are just like you. fans of some brutal music who decided to make our own.            To be honest we are both full of surprises, quirks and niches but above all else, Jake doesn’t know he’s black so I constantly call him ni**a to remind him ๐Ÿ˜‚ cause that’s my ni**a”

Thank you both so much again for the interview!!!  Cannot wait for more from you guys!