Monday, September 2, 2024

Organectomy - Nail Below Nail - 2022 Unique Leader


Organectomy, a death metal band from New Zealand, are hopefully writing new material.

They currently have two singles that released this year (2024), with very similar and beautiful artwork.  I can only assume this is part of a larger body of work?  Fingers crossed.

While I impatiently wait, I revisit their third album.  

2017 brought us Domain Of The Wretched, followed up with 2019's Existential Disconnect, both of which boast beefy and brutal riffs and non-stop catchiness.  

Nail Below Nail was released in 2022 on Unique Leader Records.  Production is crispy and instrumentation super-tight.  Coming in at 45 minutes of Slammy, sometimes Techy, sometimes Old School Death Metal esque, Nail Below Nail is impressively creative and as brutal as always.  The songwriting, how it's all put together, and the vocals.  All of it seems to get better with each of Organectomy's albums.

One thing that cannot be denied, with songwriting and infectious grooves like this, you will be bobbing your head before you even realize it.

Organectomy can also serve as a trail-blazing band for those on a high horse when it comes to Slam.  They do a beautiful job of blending truly monstrous Slamming parts into rather Death Metal structures.  You may be enjoying the very stuff you hate on, and then hopefully falling in love with how fun this album is! 

I would say any of their albums are worth purchasing, but this one feels like the one that leads the band down the path of brutality that they have mastered.  Please check out Nail Below Nail.







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