Friday, June 14, 2024

Parasitic Septicity - Mutations of A Putrid Breed

Parasitic Septicity are a new band out of Texas.  I think this first track from the band is some of the best BDM in a long time.  The track, "Mutations of A Putrid Breed" is one half of their 2-song promo "Genesis Of The Infestation" to be released on July 19th.

With amazing artwork done by Rudi of GorgingSuicide who has done so many amazing things!

Check out GorgingSuicide HERE

Parasitic Septicity are:

Daniel Benavides - Guitars & Bass

Josef Hossain-Kay - Drums

Sebastian Guarin - Vocals Check out the track below!!

Support the band!





Entering flesh, an unknown entity
Burrows deep to infest, it spreads
Innards become a feast, a monster within
Nourishing itself for expansion

Circulation fails, as immune cells succumb
Squirming, writhing, a grotesque tableau is done
Invisible demons devouring, living nightmares mesh.
Their hosts become victims, helpless and fresh

Rapidly, the vile infestation reproduces
Human immunity battling relentlessly
Organs are its playground, leeches for blood
Mutations of horrid organisms, a putrid breed

Agonizing screams of prolonged devourment
Pain, horror, immutable to foresee
The body is a vessel, host for the hideous
An inner spectacle for its species to compile

Scalpels slice out pulsating nodes
A surgical intervention to repel the monstrosity
The parasitic creature within, fights and resists
A grotesque battle, as the human body persists

As darkness consumes and pain subsides
Succumbing to horror, a monster still hides
Inside the corpse, a body now torn apart
A tragic ending, parasitic work of art

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