Who do we have the pleasure of talking to, and who are the band's members and what are their ages
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Impalement Interview 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Sebastian Guarin (Decarabion, Bacteremia, Amputated Genitals, Parasitic Septicity) Interview 2025
Bro!!!! The new Folterknecht song is so crazy and has me so excited!
Before we talk about that, I have some Sebastian questions!
You are a vocal legend and have put your disgusting
sounds on so many tracks!
How old are you? How long have you been doing vocals and what first got you into it?
Brother, I'm 40 years old I've been singing for 25 years And it was with my first band that was before the age of 14 I was still a child hahahahaha since after this present audition in PURULENT which was the one in which I got right to continue singing !!!
Can you list the bands you have been part of? Active and inactive?
Amptated genitals
Parasitic septicity
CARNAL (col)
What can you tell us about the Folterknecht Demo and what else is coming in the near future?
Well with FOLTERKNECHT, Daniel the guitarist was talking to Livio about a project. At that time they asked me if I wanted to participate and we decided to talk to Javier bassist who joins and so we started the composition of two songs which will be available soon and in the very near future we will be entering the studio for what will be our first long album. Stay tuned !!!Who are some of your favorite vocalists/ inspirations?
Some of my favorite vocalists At first Carlos Amalla Former vocalist in Purulent, Chris Barnes in Cannibal Corpse, Matti Way in Disgorge, and Wayne Knupp in Devourment !!!!
Actually all the bands in which I work always have something new a great expectation for each job but in reality my band DECARABION is the one that fills me with expectations and illusion in every step we are taking !!!
You are coming to NSE Fest to play with Parasitic Septicity correct? Will we have a full length by that time?
For November it is confirmed that we will be there in Texas to carry out the launch of the band and we are already waiting for this recording but we are making every effort to have the long record very soon !!!
Have you always practiced the same vocal techniques? Do you do a warm up?
Generally I always warm up, a few minutes before rehearsing or making a recording, I had always used the same techniques, now there are some more that I will be adapting to the new things in the bands!!
What are some examples of music that you enjoy that is not metal?
I always enjoy good rock music from the 80s to the present day you could say.
What do you do for your job?
I am currently independent, working under my label Bringer Disorder Records among other common tasks!!
I think it has never been a problem managing my personal and family time with my music, there is always time for everything, my family life is united and they have always provided great support in my work.
If you could create your dream tour, including one of your bands, what other bands would you bring along?
ugh a fairly complex question but if it were like that, I would love to spin with Deeds of Flesh, Disgorge (cal) among others and many more!!!
Do you have any specific goals for 2025?
Totally, this 2025 is loaded with a lot of work with all the bands I work for, they will all have full albums, videos and tours.
What is the album or song with your vocals that you are most proud of?
the album I feel the most proud of is Decarabion "BASTARD SON OF DIVINITY" it was an album that was made very calmly, a lot of union with the musicians, among them with Daniel we always have a pretty good communication where we can achieve things between the two of us without leaving aside the great musicians who accompany us and have not accompanied us!!!!
Anything you'd like to say to your fans???
Thank you very much for your time and thank you for your great support!!!
A very big greeting to everyone thank for your incredible support during all this time and stay brutal bands and much more extreme music will come !!!
Disarticulating Extinguishment - Psalms of Wrath - 2011 - Imbecil Entertainment
Disarticulating Extinguishment was a Brutal Death band out of Russia. This E.P. showcases their unique approach to bringing creativity into their songwriting. Some is very good, some is not. Their name though, roughly translating to ‘putting an end to something by separating bones’, is awesome. The parts of this album that are not as good are still good, it’s just that there is some really great stuff on here, so I am being picky. This was an underrated release from a band that I wish would've done more for us to hear!
'Righteous Prosecutor' is a short track with very creative drums and some low tones and harmonics accompany us to a very bad ending. It just seems to quickly fade away and end with a sample that I cannot understand.
'Noisome Pestilence' starts with a cool bass line and very mechanical sounding drums. Slow riffs pound forward with lower harmonics than I am used to hearing, which is good. This track is very consistent/almost boring until a weird clean guitar break leading into a slow, chugging, bouncy groove over saturated with vocals.
Lev Kurgansky : Drums
Anton Karavaev : Guitars
Vlad Melnik : Guitars
Nika Clitoridectomy : Vocals
Kirill Issakov : Vocals
"Heathens’ Foredoom" opens with what I will call underwater demon vocals and more of that signature robotic drum sound that I am really enjoying. The rest of "Heathens’ Foredoom" is a lot of relatively simple brutal slams made to sound awesome by super creative drummer Lev Kurgansky, who also is the drummer Ezophagothomia, so it comes as no surprise this has superb drumming.
'Estranged From The Womb' is a more straightforward mix of old school death metal riffing and brutal slams. This track contains the best vocals. Throughout this album I would say there is too much vocals in the mix, which is a shame because they are very good vocals. Know when to rest! It is also worth mentioning that the two vocalists of this group compliment each others style very nicely, just too often.
"Indurate Laceration" is, I believe, my favorite part of ‘Psalms of Wrath’. It is unwavering brutality and over the top non-sense.
To wrap things up we have the title track, which, after I eventually made it through, fit as a nice way to end this weird album. Noise layered with haunting noise, then a still haunting guitar part that is soon ran out by more weird noises.
Very pleasant ambient ending reminiscent of what I imagine you may hear while drifting off to sleep on a deserted island’s beach. In fact, I highly recommend lying down for a nap during the last three minutes of this!
Friday, February 21, 2025
Exfeciate Interview 2025
Who is Exfeciate?
Just me, Parwez, a one-man brutal death unit from Germany. I write, record and mix everything. My neighbors hate me.
What is the history of Exfeciate?
I used to write riffs and record countless ideas but never bothered to finish a song. Then, in late 2023, I figured I might as well make it official and start ruining eardrums. Since then, I’ve been diving deep into recording and production—learning as I go and finding the sound I'm looking for along the way.
What other bands are you a part of?None. However, I played guitar for Endometritis over a decade ago and dabbled in different genres for a while. My legendary former bandmates Rafael (now Figging, Theatre's Kiss) and Andree (now Verachtung, Genital Mutilation, ex-Stillbirth) have supported me a lot in realizing Exfeciate.
How did you first get into this kind of music?
It all started when a friend sent me a YouTube video of the German classic "Cock and Ball Torture - Aphrodisianius" when I was about 15 years old. I didn’t even know music like that existed. From there, I dove into the MySpace rabbit hole, constantly searching for more underground sound.
I am beyond pumped for the new full-length to come out! Can you share a little about the writing of "Enthroned in Desiccation " and the concept behind the album?
Thanks! I started writing ‘Enthroned in Desiccation’ in August 2024. After my last releases, which were mostly thrown together within a couple of weeks with me locking myself in a room, I wanted to change my approach. This time, I really took my time with the writing process and tried to focus on crafting something more cohesive.
‘Enthroned in Desiccation’ tells the tale of a dark emperor ruling over a fallen civilization. Obsessed with immortality, he uses a grotesque mix of ancient bones and machinery to transcend death, resurrecting the deceased and merging flesh with machine. His empire is empty, but through these rituals, he expands his cult and achieves a twisted form of enlightenment.
Who did the artwork?
The art itself is made by Fear Of Napalm. My brother Hudana put it all together and is currently in the process of creating the design for my physical release.
Can you recommend any up and coming bands from your area?
You should definitely stay tuned for the upcoming 'Figging' album. Finest vomit blasting deathgrind
Who are some artists that have inspired you that may surprise people?
Apart from Yoko Ono, whose avantgarde screeching is basically proto-pig squeals, I’d say Balkan music has some seriously intricate rhythms, especially with all the odd time signatures and unpredictable syncopation.
In fact, I actually used a Balkan-inspired tune as the outro for the first track—it adds a wild, unexpected twist to the brutality.
Thanks so much for doing this!
Anything to say to fans?
Thank you so much for the support! It truly means the world to me as fans and reviewers like you are the ones who keep the underground spirit alive and thriving.
Much love from Germany!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Ed Morris Interview (Vacant Moley, Dripping, Bloodtied) 2025
Hello! Thanks for taking some time to answer some questions! Lets start with who Vacant Moley is? I understand you do all of the instruments? What can you tell us about yourself?
Hey, super honored to be on Cerebral Reviewment! Thank you so much. I'll begin with my name and background. My name is Ed Morris and I live in South Florida where I play guitar in my two other bands. 18 years old at the moment but 19 later this month.
on the demo EP.
easter eggs throughout the album. The themes are scattered and unpredictable which is my exact vision for Vacant Moley as a whole. In the end, making music for this project all comes down to instinct in the moment. I don't have to think very hard. For that reason, when I listen back to the album it's very personal to me because it follows the patterns of my brain. And finally, I have to credit Dripping as a very large inspiration. When I joined Dripping I think I subconsciously calibrated my own "musical psychology" to fit the band's needs, if that makes any sense. Dripping's unique style has more than rubbed off on me in the 2 years I've been in the band, and elements of Dripping's influence can be found throughout the EP and the album.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Putrescent - Infected Blood by Inhuman Practices - 2025 Demo - BrutalMind
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Voracious Contempt Interview 2025
Hello and thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Let's start with who we are talking to and what you do in the band?
Could you list the members of Voracious Contempt and their ages?
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Fleshmower Interview 2025
Thanks for taking the time to talk! Who is Fleshmower? Where are you guys from?
DUSTIN (Vocals, Drums)
Thanks for having us! Fleshmower is Kevin Muck - Guitar/Bass and myself, Dustin Klimek - Vocals/Drums. We’re from Buffalo, New York.
What other bands have you guys been a part of?
We also play in Morgue Terror.
The new demo is just raw, aggressive, amazing slam after slam. Can you tell us a little about your writing process?
Thank you! That’s what we aim for. We jam in my basement. Kevin usually has a riff he wants to use and we go from there!
Who did the art for the demo?
Ricky Pile. Classic 2000’s brutal death artist. Love his work. @pileworm_art on Instagram.
You guys have been working a lot with Luke from Seminal Embalmment and 6Mozilla6 for videos and promo stuff, how did that come about?
I saw a promo video he did for Neuropsychosis and thought it looked great. I knew I wanted to work with him when we were ready. Luke is the man and an absolute pleasure to work with!
I also love the new shirt designs! Who did them? Can fans still get the shirts?
Eko Fitriyanto did the logo and Akbar Indriano altered the video game covers and made everything look sick. They are available on our bandcamp.
Can you tell us some of your influences, musical or other?
We’re both influenced by a wide range of death metal and hardcore from mostly the 90’s and 2000’s. Some of our favorites are Sepultura, Obituary, Guttural Secrete and Inhuman Dissiliency.
Plans for a full length? Shows? ANYTHING?! Please!!
Right now we’re letting the demo ride for a bit and then plan on working on an EP. Shows may be possible, but we have to find 1-2 live musicians. We might have a small batch of physical demos soon and more merch.
Can you tell us anything about Fleshmower that would surprise fans?
We love nu metal.
Again thanks for answering a few questions, and we will be impatiently waiting and watching for more from you guys!!!
Thank you for everything you do and interviewing the best in the underground!