Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Extermination Dismemberment - Serial Urbicide - 2013 Amputated Vein Records

Urbicide: The killing of an urbanized society.

Extermination Dismemberment is a 4 piece Brutal Slamming Death Metal outfit from Belarus, Minsk.  I would describe them as Abominable Putridity worship, with one main difference.  Production.  In some places, too much.   Especially those bass drops.  If you don’t know what I mean, they sometimes occur in really bad techno music, or old deathcore.   Some people refer to them as nuclear bombs or nuclear bass drops or something.   However, I have never heard them used to quite the extent they are used on Serial Urbicide.  Thankfully, After many listens, I am glad to say that these bassy bottom-outs add to the album, further punctuating and exaggerating the humongous slams. 

Extermination Dismemberment got lucky though.  I hope this doesn’t start a trend, because this album already took it as far as it should go.  I mean take the title track, “Serial Urbicide” for example, where these things actually overpower the rest of the production for several seconds after they occur.  I realize that is probably the whole point, but it verges on cheesy.
Serial Urbicide, being basically a slam only album, is way too long. It starts to wear on you. You are in store for slow build ups to even slower and crazier slams, not much filler to be heard. “Survival” however, is a song slightly different from the rest in that it features a different vocal style and a different vibe altogether. A sort of pumping, marching riff style.
Besides a few production complaints and the album being too long, this album is really quite good.... for slam lovers.  Do not expect brutal death metal riffs or blasts.   Expect creative ways of getting your head slammed in.  Creative guitar and drums collide with decent gutturals to create a non stop, groove oriented, slam only record.

The creative song structures and drum fills make this “slam only” album a fun, brutal, groovy head bobber.

Pick it up here:


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