Sunday, August 18, 2013

Created From Pig's Mutilation- Inception of Abhorrent Creation - 2011 Demo

I first learned about this band from this video of them in their rehearsal room.  I was immediately impressed by the feeling and writing of the track.  Also, it looks like they have a really great rehearsal room!  I was left wanting more and thinking to myself, “how does one pronounce CxFxPxMx?”

After some research into the matter I discovered the band’s full name,


I was left thinking to myself “what the fuck?”

Since, they have changed their name to Created From Pigs Mutilation and they have put out a demo titled “Inception of Abhorrent Creation

Overall, this demo feels like a rather well thought out and executed first take of a young bands attempt of an album.  Instead of pumping out a demo that feels like pieces to a few different puzzles, Inception Of Abhorrent Creation feels like the whole puzzle.  While it may still be missing a few corner pieces, it is proof that there are great things to come from this Italian three piece of self proclaimed ‘diseaseful slamming brutality’.
The first track, “Starting To Devour Human Entrails” starts with an intro of what sounds like the slaughter of pigs.  This intro was created by IntroMania, a production company that creates intros and soundtracks for bands or movies.  Then we have a pretty basic brutal death guitar, drum, vocal part that leads into a build-up that seems to promise a much harder hitting slam than it delivers.  This is fitting though, it feels like a warm up to the oncoming insanity.  This track really explores a lot of territory with tempo changes but not overwhelmingly so.  I really like when a band can do a lot with simplicity.  The drums for example, are simple in the most complex, precise meaning of the word.  It has become so easy and common to bypass the human drummer.  This of course has it’s pros and cons but that is a different discussion entirely.  Nonetheless, Alessandro Garofalo, CxFxPxMx guitarist and drum programmer, is a master at staying simple, tasteful, consistent, and just really good.  All of the above actually cancels out the word simple, but it was a necessary adjective in this case.  I really like the vocals also, at times reminding me of Martin from Kraanium.

Purulent Sodomy Of Putrid Streetwalker’s Flesh” is definitely the best song name I’ve heard in awhile.  The song is very good as well and sort of reminds me of the Italian scene all together, with it’s great vocals and bass parts.   It is catchy, fun and relentlessly blasts forward with thick and slimy guitar riffs and a groovy bass line that sets you up for a sort of marching section where everything blends beautifully.  This song is complete with simple parts, complex parts in every instrument, and variety in vocals.

Italy seems to be a simmering crock pot full of brutal death/slam bands, be it one man or not, human drummer or not, they are almost always decent and seem to consistently pump out new music.  They also, like any region with a growing scene, have similarities.  This could be largely due to Mario Di Giambattista and his million or so projects.  Alessandro Garofalo also has more bands than one hand can count.  I am happy to see people being this active in their scene and showing such blunt passion for the music!
Sometimes it can be very difficult to include a track less than 30 seconds long on your demo when you are not a grindcore outfit.  Well they’ve done it here with “Precocious Dismemberment”, 14 seconds, actually, and it is still creative and has a lot within!  Then “Human Stew” comes charging at you with a brutal assault of guitar and bass slams.  The band again uses a simple concept often forgot about, dynamics.  The guitar gets more technical here but everything still blends into one huge groove!

Fucked, Suffocated and Mutilated” starts off with a short sample of a woman who is probably being fucked, suffocated and then mutilated.  Then this song goes a few different places, all places we’ve been before but are happy to revisit one last time.  The bass is again really awesome throughout this closing track.  Especially when it has it’s jazzy solo right before our epic outro, where the vocalist pretty much goes crazy.  Everything fades out enough for us to hear more mutilation and moaning in displeasure.  Then I moan in pleasure at this demo and patiently await a full length release, out later this year on Ghastly Music.




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